Due to numerous requests from around the world, after Robin's passing on January 2nd. 2020, it has been decided to continue, for the present at least, to keep the site active.
I offer my sincere thanks to all the wonderful and humbling tributes received from all his friends and fellow salvia nuts.
This site is still a great source of information to which I may be able to add, in future. He is indeed greatly missed after fifty years of a wonderful life together.
Peter Vidgeon.
The UK's foremost Salvia website....

I started collecting salvias more than 20 years ago and now have one of the largest collections in the UK. For a long time I had thought that salvias were the rather gaudy, small, red plants commonly used in bedding schemes. On visiting a friend's garden, I saw a spectacular Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica and I was hooked.
The aim of this website is to share my observations and pictures of my favourite salvias.
About me page....
Here you can read a little about how my interest in Salvias started and the aims of this website.
Latest page....
On this page I will always highlight the latest photographs and descriptions to go on display in the photo-gallery.
Gallery page....
This is where you will find all the Salvia photographs and descriptions. They are arranged alphabetically to make it easier for you to find the particular Salvia that you may be looking for.
Environmental Information

This website
is made from 100%
recycled pixels

I have just added twenty four Salvia photographs to my gallery pages.
You can view these latest ones on my "latest" page, from the top menu.
They are also indexed alphabetically.
My Local Weather....
Contact me....
If you would like to contact me you can email me at the below address. I would be pleased to hear any comments you may wish to share with me, regarding either Salvias or my website.